Death Valley National Park, USA

Death Valley National Park, USA

Death Valley is a desert valley located in Eastern California,USA. It is one of the hottest places in the world at the height of summertime along with deserts in Africa and in the Middle East.Death Valley is one of the best geological examples of a basin and range configuration. It lies at the southern end of a geological trough known as Walker Lane, which runs north into Oregon..Death Valley has a subtropical, hot desert climate . with long, extremely hot summers and short, warm winters, as well as little rainfall. When the sun heats the ground, that heat is then radiated upward, but the dense below-sea-level air absorbs some of this radiation and radiates some of it back towards the ground.Death Valley is home to the Timbisha tribe of Native Americans, formerly known as the Panamint Shoshone, who have inhabited the valley for at least the past millennium.Death Valley National Monument was proclaimed on February 11, 1933, by President Herbert Hoover, placing the area under federal protection.



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