Yellowstone National Park,Wyoming

Where is Yellowstone National Park?

Yellowstone National Park is  located in the U.S. states of Idaho,Wyoming, and Montana.
This park has five entrances and five visitor areas.
This National Park is located in the united states of the northwest region.This park covers 3,472 square miles. The official address is Wyoming state but, Yellowstone is actually in 3 states. majority of the Park in Wyoming is 96%.3% to the north and northwest which is in Montana. And 1% of the small section to the west is in Idaho.

About Yellow Stone National Park:

It was established by the U.S. Congress in the year 1872 March 1.
Yellowstone park is a national park.
this park is the first National Park in the U.S.

This National Park spans an area of 3,468.4 square miles.

It is the best visiting place in United States.

Here comes the video of Yellowstone National Park:


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